Clinic Closures to Supreme Court Victory

When politicians force clinics in Texas to close, we told the story of the impact on women and people of color.


In March 2014, Whole Woman's Health asked us to make national news of the closure of two Texas clinics due to H.B.2, while keeping patients front and center.

We created messages, trained staff, and managed media outreach. It resulted in hundreds of media hits, including the The Rachel Maddow Show, the Washington Post, Associated Press, Newsweek, Reuters,Melissa Harris Perry Show, a featured column by Gail Collins,and the front page of The New York Times with an online photo essay.

We continued to work with WWH through their court appeals, the McAllen clinic re-opening, and the 2016 U.S. Supreme Court arguments and decision. CEO Amy Hagstrom Miller was quoted in most major outlets, with op-eds in Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, and TIME Magazine on the day of the decision.

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